1) Keep your calendar up to date – The second criteria we use to rank your listing in the search results is when you last updated your calendar. We reward owners who keep their calendars up to date by pushing your listing to the top of your subscription group. In addition it helps us provide a better experience for our vacationers as they really get frustrated when they find a rental only to find our after calling its not available. PLEASE update your calendar when you confirm a booking.
2) Have UPDATED Rates – REMEMBER, for your listing to show up in the search results, when a vacationer searches for specific dates, you MUST have BOTH the dates available AND a rate set for the dates. When comparing properties guests need to know what you charge. In addition, for our quick quote tool to work, which is how they send you booking requests, we need rates. If you haven’t already updated your listing with next year's rates, please do so now. ALSO, our search history shows that people start looking for “next summer” in early July…so set a reminder to add your rates for next year before the 4th of July!
3) GREAT photos - Make sure you have the BEST photos reasonably possible. Listings with BETTER photos get more conversions (inquiries). If you need new/better photos, we have photographers who can help!
4) Enticing Content – Once we get a guest to look at your listing, it’s up to YOU to sell it! Take time to explain in detail what your home is like. Be descriptive and make your potential guest want to book your place. If you need help, let us know.
5) Respond right away! – When you get that text alert that you have a new inquiry, CALL the person right away. If they don’t answer, leave a message and then follow up with an email. When emailing them, answer their questions and finish with asking them a question… “would like to book?”
6) Featured Listings – If you want to get to the top of the search results list, make your listing “Featured”. For only $49 you can “Feature” your listing on our website for 30 days to get a bump in views! A featured listing can be activated from your dashboard.
7) For Rent Sign – Have you seen our signs? They are everywhere and they help us help you! Our signs INCLUDE your exact listing number, which makes it easy for renters who see it to find you right away on our web site. If you need a sign, or need a replacement, please let us know. They are FREE!
8) Share your listing link – For those of you that don’t know this, your listing link is “www.vacationrentalswildwood.com/listing.XXXX” where the XXXX is your listing number. Use this link when sharing on social media and a photo and summary of your listing will be inserted, as well as a direct link to your listing page!